The Taekwondo WT Academy
of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Taekwondo Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Taekwondo is one of the most popular types of Korean martial arts, which teaches not only the ability of physical battles, but also discipline. Taekwondo opens the way to strengthening and developing the spirit, improving the quality of life by training the body and mind. The values embodied in this sport – the education of the individual and peace on earth – are recognized throughout the world. Today, taekwondo is widely practiced in 208 countries and is the official Olympic sport.

The Taekwondo Academy (WT) of the KR is the basic initial stage of the training of instructors on the path of becoming a coaching professional.

The activities of the Taekwondo Academy (WT) of the KR are focused on the training of specialized instructors who could later contribute to the field of physical culture and sport, promote healthy lifestyles, and develop the Olympic sport in Kyrgyzstan.

“In our activity we promote understanding of the need not only to teach Taekwondo techniques, but also to cultivate the best moral and human virtues in our students.

Outstanding feature of our Taekwondo Academy is that these principles are shared by the trainers, athletes and their parents. That has a beneficial effect on the training process, the organization of competitions, and trips to international tournaments.

If you want to be the best,
learn from the best

Coaching Staff


Demonstrations of students at 04.29.2017

Why Taekwondo?

Health promotion
Taekwondo allows to not only preserve, but also to improve your health.
Physical development
Taekwondo develops such qualities as endurance, strength, flexibility, agility and speed.
Strengthening the spirit
Taekwondo is able to develop stress resistance, mobility, creativity and team spirit.
Good self-defense
Taekwondo practitioners are able to protect themselves and their loved ones in any unforeseen situation.
Healthy lifestyle
Taekwondo eliminates bad habits and develops passion for active lifestyle.
Moral and ethical qualities
The principles of Taekwondo include courtesy, honesty, respect, patience, perseverance and steadfastness.


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